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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb, Praise Be To God.

Allow me on this fine occasion to welcome all of the distinguished guests and the participants of 2nd Interpol Disaster Victim Identification Pacific Rim Group Meeting to Bali which is also well-known as the Islands of the Gods, one of the world famous tourist resorts that is famous for its beauty, culture and the friendliness of the people.
A few years have passed by since 1st Interpol Disaster Victim Identification Pacific Rim Group Meeting which was held in Makassar, Indonesia in January 2000. This year, we are proud that Indonesia has the honour to organize an important international meeting such as this for the second time.
It seemed as if just yesterday when we met in the first meeting, but today the world has change immensely especially if we see it from public security point of view and this resulted in the change of perspective in DVI as well. If in the first meeting we focused on the DVI in relation with the mass disasters caused mostly by accidents involving mass transportation (close disaster), now, in this second meeting, we are haunted by the act of terrorisms which are likely to cause mass disasters which are classified as open disasters and related to criminal. Therefore from DVI perspective we need a different approach.
Less than a year ago, 12 October 2002, the beauty and serenity of Bali was shattered by bomb blasts. The physical vibration could probably be sensed only up till 1 or 2 kilometer, the physical damage might only affect a few blocks, but the large numbers of casualties and fatalities extended the vibration to all over the world.
We learned from the incident that it was impossible to do the identification of so many people, more than 200 victims, from many different countries in a quite short time by ourselves only. Supports and collaboration of Forensic Doctors, Forensic Odontologists, other experts as well as law enforcement officers from Indonesia and friendly countries have proven to give an excellent result and therefore it can be used as a model in handling similar situation. We have to keep in our mind that the good teamwork was resulted from the networking among the experts before it happened.
As we realized how important, for the sake of human rights and humanity, that those who are involved in this subject have to keep sharing information and knowledge in DVI, as stated in the Interpol Resolution No. AGN/65/RES/13, we try our best to hold this meeting, even though the time given was very short.
We are delighted that there are about 200 participants from 16 countries, the largest delegation beside the host country is from Australia. From profession point of view, the participants consists of mostly medical forensic specialists, forensic odontologists, medical doctors/ dentists, other forensic supporting experts, as well as the law enforcement officers. Participants From Indonesia consists of Directors of CID and the Heads of Identification Section of the Regional Police, Heads of Police Forensic Laboratory Branches, medical doctors/ dentists from the Department of Health, The Heads of the Medical and Health Sections and the Heads of Police Hospital of the Regional Police from all over Indonesia.
22 presentations about DVI from all over the world will be presented within 3 days. Not only that, the participants will be taken to the crime scene as well as the location of DVI procedures then, that is Sanglah Hospital.
All those can only be realized because of the supports we got. Therefore, allow me to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the ICPO Interpol, in particular the Interpol Disaster Victim Identification Standing Committee, for the support so that make this meeting happened. Let me also express my gratitude to the Chief of the Indonesian National Police, the Indonesian Minister of Health, the Governor of Bali, Australian Federal Police, Kapusdokkes Polri Brigjen Pol Dr Bambang Ibnu S. and the Honorary Chairperson Brigjen Pol Dr. Eddy Saparwoko and those who have given us assistance and support. Should there be shortcomings or lack of service in the preparation as well as in the meeting itself, as the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee let me apologize for them.
I hope all the participants can get the most from this short meeting, share the knowledge and experience in DVI subjects, and may improve the collaboration either nationally, regionally as well as internationally. Good luck !

Denpasar, 28 July 2003

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